Earlier this month, I wrote a blog on water conservation within our homes. If you have not read my earlier blog, be sure and go back into my blogs for a read or refresher.
Now that we are into our wonderful NW Summer weather, I am taking a dive into understanding what Xeriscaping is and the benefits of being aware of our plantings as they relate to our water stewardship and home landscaping.
Landscaping adds to a home’s value, an increase in neighborhood value and a presence of care, peace and health to the homeowner. For me it brings contentment and peace knowing I am creating this space not only for me, but for insects, birds, critters and environmental health.
So, what is Xeriscaping?
Simply put it is selecting plants that can survive with the least amount of water support as possible, for the region in which you live. It’s creating a landscape that saves water, protects soil, and provides a healthy environment for the lifestyle you have chosen.
Interest in Xeriscaping may be brought on by a community limiting water usage, the cost of water from a municipality, an interest in native plantings or perhaps the interest in the environmental impact, along with minimizing your personal care factor.
Plant selection is one of the key elements along with reducing the use of water. Eliminating those thirsty plants is a consideration, as is grading the soil to consistently manage every bit of water possible to allow plants to flourish. An irrigation system customized to your plant selection is ideal and supports not only the root systems, but the amount of water that is effective for the landscape’s health. Another alternative is to capture rainwater with systems like a rain barrel or a cistern that capture larger quantities of water from your roof.
With this dive into water conservation and Xeriscaping, I would like to suggest reading this article. Within the article you’ll find a terrific tool and style guide that you can use to view xeriscaping ideas.
The subject of landscaping conservation has many options to consider! As my awareness of opportunities continue to expand, I am being shown a depth from which to appreciate the natural environment, my health, community health and a deeper understanding of what it means to be in stewardship with water and landscaping.
Let’s have a deeper conversation on landscape stewardship and what it means for you and your family’s healthy home!
Learn More About Wellness Focused Healthy Homes: lindasanford.com
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